Thursday, June 21, 2012

Don't miss your life.

In an earlier post, I explained the situation Jon & I are facing this next year.  The only way for us to not spend yet another 12 consecutive months apart is for me to fly back and forth every three months.  Maybe some of you are thinking we're a little crazy.  But, it's not as crazy as you might think.  Below are the lyrics to a song which might help you understand why we're making this decision.  It's called, "Don't Miss Your Life," by Phil Vassar.  (Here's a link if you want to listen to it, as well.)  When Jon & I are old and gray and sagging here and drooping there, we're not going to say, "You remember that year right after deployment?  It wasn't very smart to have flown back & forth; after all, it was costly, inconsistent, and unstable."  No.  We're going to remember the memories we made together overseas, the moments money can't buy, and the stories we'll tell our grandchildren about.  That's why we're doing this.  These are the moments we can't get back.

 "Don't Miss Your Life" by Phil Vassar

On a plane to the West Coast, laptop on my tray
Papers spread across my seat, a big deadline to make
An older man sitting next to me said, "Sorry to intrude,
Thirty years ago, my busy friend, I was you
I made a ton of money and I climbed up the ladder
Yeah, I was superman, now what does it matter?

I missed the first steps my daughter took
The time my son played Captain Hook in Peter Pan
I was in New York, said 'Sorry son, Dad has to work'
I missed the father-daughter dance
The first home run, no second chance
To be there when he crossed the plate
The moment's gone, now it's too late
Fame and fortune come with a heavy price
Son, don't miss your life."

Funny you should say that, I was sitting at the gate
My daughter called, she made straight A's and they're off to celebrate
Scrolling through the pictures of my little family
My daughter with her mom and friends, not a single one with me
They know I love 'em, I know they know I care
The truth is half the time, I'm not even there

I missed our fourth and fifth anniversary
Our girl was early by a week
Her sister had to hold her hand
I was in L.A., she said, "I understand."
I missed her first day of school
Man, what kind of crazy fool
Lets such precious moments pass?
We all know time goes way too fast
Hold on tight 'cause it don't happen twice
Don't miss your life

When I get off this plane, I'll buy a turn-around ticket
Saturday's her eighth birthday and I'm not gonna miss it

There'll be balloons and birthday cake
And I'll clean up the mess they make
My mom and dad are drivin' in
I haven't seen them in God knows when
My wife will probably say to me,
"I thought you were supposed to be in Portland
For a few more days," I'll take her in my arms and say,
"I heard some words that hit me hard last night,
A man said: 'Don't miss your life.'"

Saturday, June 9, 2012

20 years

I've been on this earth for 20 years today.  That's so weird for me to think about.  When another decade passes, it seems so much bigger than just another year.  If I can go from being a helpless baby girl who doesn't know how to do anything except cry for what she wants to being a young woman with opinions, passions, and ideas of her own in 20 years, I'll bet I can do a whole hell of a lot with my next 20 years.  I hope I never lose sight of how much potential lies in each day I'm alive and well.  Below is a compilation of 20 random facts you may or may not know about me, because, hey, why not?

1.  I came into this world at 9 lbs. 6 oz.  I was a big baby.

2.  I will almost always choose fruity gum over minty gum.

3.  I prefer to work out in the afternoon or evening.

4.  I am an introvert.  (And if I act like an extrovert around you, it's probably because I trust you.  Or I'm drunk.)

5.  Incorrect grammar annoys the hell out of me -- I'm one of those people who cringes every time they see someone use "your" in place of "you're."

6.  I don't text very much.

7.  I sometimes walk around my apartment naked.  And by "sometimes," I mean "right after my shower."

8.  I do not have a roommate.  (I felt this fact was necessary due to #7.)

9.  I prefer red wine over white wine.

10.  I was in the Honors College at Michigan State University.

11.  My eldest brother calls me "sis," my second-eldest brother calls me "KK," my third-eldest brother calls me "Kaitlin"......and pretty much everyone else calls me "Kate."

12.  I have one tattoo and five piercings (ears included).

13.  I have never eaten a pickle.

14.  Washing the dishes soothes me.

15.  If you ever see me out driving, you will probably also see me singing along to the radio.

16.  I think the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice is far superior to the 2005 version.

17.  I am allergic to basically anything with fur and anything that has to do with trees or plants.

18.  I wanted to be the tooth fairy when I grew up.

19.  I still want to be the tooth fairy when I grow up.

20.  I have the best mom ever.  She brought me into this world 20 years ago today, and she's had my back ever since.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Showdown: Grandpa vs. Swan

The other day, I visited my grandparents at their nursing home.  My grandma has a more difficult time getting around, but my grandpa and I went for a walk around the pond on the grounds.  As we walked, we spotted a swan in the middle of the path up ahead of the curve.

I said to my grandpa, "If that swan's still there when we get to that point in the path, will it attack us?"

Maybe I'm a little naïve, but I was seriously apprehensive about a giant bird flying up and snapping at me.

To which my grandpa replied, "Oh, if it's still there, I'll just growl at it and it will move."  He's so cute.

So, on we walked.  Finally we rounded the path, and there sat the swan.  Grooming itself.  Smack-dab in the middle of our way.

Thus began the showdown.  Grandpa vs. Swan.

Grandpa slowly advanced, while the swan eyed us warily.  "Go on," my grandpa said, as if he expected the bird to know exactly what he was saying.

The swan paused.  Did some more wary-eyeing.  "Shoo," my grandpa repeated.  The swan slowly retreated.  Grandpa proceeded on his way, the victor.

Grandpa: 1

Swan: 0

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